A critical discussion of the Brook Traffic Light Tool (TLT) is provided. The TLT supports professionals assessing sexual behaviour in children and young people (CYP). This critical commentary formed part of a wider evaluation of the TLT. The approach taken uses evidence-based, policy transfer and policy success frameworks. Conceptually, questions were raised about empirical research that underpins the TLT. The transfer of the TLT to the UK gave varied results with questions raised in relation to the suitability of the TLT for the UK context. Both successes and failures were evident within the UK. The findings suggest that more work needs to be done on TLT. Rigorous planning needs to be conducted when transferring to differing contexts. A more robust evidence base is required for the UK context and continuous evaluation is required. Yet the TLT exists where no other tool related to CYP and sexual behaviours is available for professionals. PRACTICE IMPACT STATEMENT This article raises awareness around evidenced based policy, and how tools are introduced, to assess sexual behaviours in children and young people with very little consideration given to the context into which they are being introduced and how their success will be measured.