Add papers to CrimRxiv using the Imported Way or the Linked Way; then click "Publish" and click some other things on the "Pub Settings" page.
When you receive a paper to share, you add it to CrimRxiv in one of two ways: the Imported Way or the Linked Way.1 After that, you will make a few more clicks.
The Imported Way entails bringing a paper into the PubPub text editor. You can import files in .docx, .epub, .html, .md, .odt, .txt, .xml, or .tex (not, currently, .pdf because of its proprietary format). You may want to reformat headers, delete extra spaces (e.g., at start of paragraphs), or indent quotes (use the quote symbol in the toolbar). If tables or figures upload poorly, just embed them.2 You can also embed the entire paper or other materials, like data and code. It is highly recommend that you consult, and ask your authors to consult, How to Use “Style” in Microsoft Word for Optimal Import of Papers Into Pubs.3 You can do the imported way by following the steps in this video (or in this note,4 if you prefer text). When done, click “Publish.”
The Linked Way refers to using PubPub’s Connections feature to link with an open access (OA) paper that was first published elsewhere. The link may be to a paper that is green, gold, or diamond OA, not bronze or paywalled. The Linked Way is the only right way to share a Version of Record. You can do the linked way by following the steps in the first video below (or in this note,5 if you prefer text). Depending on how the other site is set up and which URL you use, information may not import. It is easy to manually fill the void. This second video below illustrates the problem and solution:
After using the Imported Way or the Linked Way to add a paper to CrimRxiv, do the following to make it public and give it the right look and metadata:
Click “Publish.” It will be to the right of the “Request Publication” button, not seen in the above video.
Click “Pub Settings”:6
Add the Preview Image (see below)
Add the Background Image (see below)
Put the Background Tint as “Community accent color”
Put the Text Style as “Light”
Assign a DOI