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Police Procedural Justice, Lawyer Procedural Justice, Judge Procedural Justice, and Satisfaction with the Criminal Justice System: Findings from a Neglected Region of the World

Published onMar 11, 2020
Police Procedural Justice, Lawyer Procedural Justice, Judge Procedural Justice, and Satisfaction with the Criminal Justice System: Findings from a Neglected Region of the World
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Police Procedural Justice, Lawyer Procedural Justice, Judge Procedural Justice, and Satisfaction with the Criminal Justice System: Findings from a Neglected Region of the World

Although the impact of procedural justice on citizens’ satisfaction with the police and other branches of the criminal justice system has been tested in several geopolitical contexts, this is the first study to examine the relative impacts of police procedural justice, lawyer procedural justice, and judge procedural justice on satisfaction with a country’s criminal justice system. To assess the universal applicability of procedural justice, scholars must carry out research in all geopolitical regions. However, subSaharan Africa appears to be a region that scholars have neglected for far too long. As a result, the current study assesses the relative impacts of three strands of procedural justice—police, lawyer, and judge—on satisfaction with the criminal justice system in Kenya. Using a sample of 523 students from a prominent Kenyan university, we found that all three strands of procedural justice predicted satisfaction with Kenya’s criminal justice system under the country’s new Constitution, although judge procedural justice exerted the strongest influence on satisfaction. Also, less highly educated students (first-year students, compared to sophomores, juniors, and seniors) and male students were more satisfied with Kenya’s criminal justice system. The study’s implications for policy and future research are discussed.


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