Instructions for solving common problems encountered when submitting on CrimRxiv
The following problems are addressed on this page, but please email us if you encounter other problems or the following solutions do not work for you.
PDF will not upload/import
Tables or figures did not properly upload/import
References did not properly upload/import
It is not possible to upload/import a PDF due to its proprietary format. In other words, it is not an “open” choice. Instead, then, export from PDF to one of the acceptable file types: .docx, .epub, .html, .md, .odt, .txt, .xml, or .tex.
This could be due to a number of things. Here is easiest solution:
Delete them from your paper.
Put them in their own Word doc.
Upload that doc at the end of your Pub by clicking “Media”, then click “Other”, then select and upload your file.
The result will look like this:
This probably is due to not using a hanging header. The image below shows how to know whether your references are properly formatted in a Word doc.