Instructions for using PubPub to integrate non-textual information into Pubs, includes quality audio, images, videos, websites, YouTube videos, and more
This tutorial provides instructions for adding different types of media into a “Pub”; describes ways to caption it; and, gives some examples of what media looks and sounds like on PubPub.
In the image below, you can see everything you need. First, you click “Media” in the toolbar. Then you click the type of media you want to add. If it is an “Image”, “Video”, or “Audio”, click that option and then drag and drop the file. Or, to add a webpage, click “iFrame” and then copy and paste the URL. The other media options work the same way: click it and add the appropriate file or link.
Under media, you can add captions in different ways. One is to fill in the space that reads “Add a caption for this image”:
This is where the caption for this image is added.
The result of adding a caption that way is seen right above in the white space. You can also add a note under the media, like this.
Or, you can add as subscript like this (by clicking ‘x2’).
Or in a code box like this
(by clicking ‘</>’).