To learn more and submit a recommendation, visit the Collections via crimrxiv.com/curation
Note: This Pub shares a request-email with additional information on Curation Hubs, an initiative of the CrimRxiv Consortium. Whether I emailed you directly or not, my email is meant for your consideration and participation. How so? See the second request in my email. If you ...
Note: This Pub1 shares a request-email with additional information on Curation Hubs, an initiative of the CrimRxiv Consortium. Whether I emailed you directly or not, my email is meant for your consideration and participation. How so? See the second request in my email. If you already read my email, skip to the second section herein, “Learn more about our request.” The video communicates the general message. Thank you for supporting open criminology.
Hello. Thank you for clicking the link in my email, which ~reads:
invitation to advance open crim by recommending/nominating a publication for inclusion on a Curation Hub
. I’m writing to you on behalf of the CrimRxiv Consortium. We recognize your expertise in<Area>
and, therefore, request the following:
Glance at our newest initiative, Curation Hubs, including the Hub for
.Forward this email to a colleague who’s an expert in the area.
Nominate your favorite publication for inclusion on the Hub.
To learn more about our request, go here. We appreciate your consideration.
Scott Jacques, Founder and Associate Director for Sustainability, CrimRxiv | Professor of Criminal Justice & Criminology, Georgia State University
Criminology is a collective endeavor. Open criminology is especially collective. The value of Curation Hubs depends on nominations by the public. Everyone is our stakeholder. Everyone is welcome to make a recommendation. We hope you’ll make one. Below tells you more about why and how.2
The Consortium’s goal is to increase the quantity, LIS-quality,3 and impact4 of open criminology; to make our field more equitable, inclusive, scientific, and useful, increasing utilitarian ROI.5 The Consortium will advance this mission with Curation Hubs: expert- and community-led Collections6 of already-published criminology outputs.7 Each Hub focuses on a criminological niche, showcasing its “best,” “exemplary,” or otherwise notable works, selected by Curators based on the public’s recommendations. Each Hub will be a book,8 citable like:
CrimRxiv Consortium. 2024. ‘Title of Hub’. Editor Jane Doe. CrimRxiv. doi.org/10.123456789/12345 (ISBN 0123456789)9
Curation Hubs are designed to advance authors’ careers by spotlighting their work and helping, as/if needed, to make it open access. We expect inclusion on Hubs to increase the works’—and the area’s—impact. We hope inclusion will be considered an honor or accomplishment, something for one’s CV like:
Republished in ‘Title of Hub’. CrimRxiv Consortium. Editor Jane Doe. CrimRxiv. doi.org/10.123456789/67891 (ISBN 0123456789)
Each Curation Hub is made with three phases, totaling 12 steps.10 Nomination is part of the “Collaboration” phase. It follows the Consortium’s “Call for Recommendations,” when we invite everyone to nominate their favorite works for a Hub. Here’s what’s involved in nominating:
Start by going to to the Hub’s page. We’re currently soliciting recommendations for Criminology’s Public Domain, Open Criminology, and Qualitative Criminology.
The Hub’s page describes its Purpose, People, Process, Product. Click “Create a submission” or “Log in to submit.” You can create your CrimRxiv/PubPub account here.
Tell us the work’s “metadata” (e.g., title, author’s name, URL, etc.) and why you’re nominating it for the Hub (abstract-length).
Click “Request publication.”
We’ll notify nominators of our “accept”/“reject” decisions, though it may take two to a few months. If your nomination is selected for the Hub because you convinced us, you’ll be given credit and the opportunity to publish your explanation in the Collection. It could go on a CV like this:
Your Name. 2024. “Recommendation for ‘Title of work’.” In ‘Title of Hub’. CrimRxiv Consortium. Editor Jane Doe. CrimRxiv. doi.org/10.123456789/67891 (ISBN 0123456789)
Image 1. Instructions per Call for Recommendations as of March 1, 2024
For further information on Curation Hubs, refer to its general description and explanation, email me, or DM me on Twitter/X.