hyperactivity, inattention, ADHD, intergenerational transmission, polygenic score, educational attainment
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is an early-onset neurodevelopmental condition characterized by age-inappropriate and persistent levels of inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity (Franke et al., 2018). About 5-10% of children and adolescents worldwide typically meet the diagnostic criteria for ADHD, with a higher prevalence among boys (Ayano et al., 2020; Polanczyk et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2017). Hyperactivity and inattention (ADHD) symptoms predict a variety of adjustment difficulties, including learning problems (Mayes et al., 2000; Reale et al., 2017), depression and anxiety (Eyre et al., 2019; Reale et al., 2017), sleep disturbances (Miano et al., 2019), antisocial and substance use problems (Retz et al., 2021). Hyperactivity and inattention are highly heritable, with 50-70% of interindividual differences explained by genetic factors in twin studies (Faraone & Larsson, 2019; Pingault et al., 2015; Plourde et al., 2015). Genes accounting for ADHD symptoms in the general population largely overlap with those in clinical populations (H. Larsson et al., 2012; Stergiakouli et al., 2015), and this genetic risk is massively polygenic (Demontis et al., 2019, 2023). The early genetic underpinnings of ADHD are largely responsible for their phenotypic stability, although new emerging contributions in childhood have also been detected (Kuntsi et al., 2005; J.-O. Larsson et al., 2004). While, hyperactivity and inattention, share a part of their genetic basis (Greven, Rijsdijk, et al., 2011; Nikolas & Burt, 2010), there is a substantial genetic specificity that links inattention to cognitive deficit, learning disability and educational outcomes (DuPaul & Volpe, 2009; Greven, Harlaar, et al., 2011; Kuntsi et al., 2014), and hyperactivity to oppositional and substance use problems (Quinn et al., 2016; Wood et al., 2009).
The substantial role of genetics in ADHD symptoms, and the parent-child correlation in ADHD symptoms (Uchida et al., 2021) warrant the research into their intergenerational transmission. Each biological parent transmits half of their genetic variants to the child via genetic or Mendelian inheritance. In addition to this direct transmission, parents also provide a developmental context possibly influenced by their own genetics, including their non-transmitted genetic propensities, which can foster the child’s ADHD symptoms. For example, maternal smoking, alcohol consumption and substance use are all putative environmental risks for children’s ADHD (Knopik et al., 2019). Children with ADHD are more likely to grow up in poor families (Hill et al., 2015) and to experience family stress (e.g., parent-child conflicts) (Deault, 2010; Harold et al., 2013; Sellers et al., 2021). Crucially, parental ADHD symptoms predict child’s ADHD symptoms and comorbidities (Agha et al., 2013; Vizzini et al., 2019), and many prenatal and familial risks of the latter are also partly associated with genetic differences (Boivin et al., 2005; Hyytinen et al., 2019).
Thus, parental genetic risk could foster a child's ADHD symptoms through other means than direct genetic transmission. The intergenerational transmission of genetic risk for ADHD symptoms may indeed arise from two distinct pathways (Hart et al., 2021; Koellinger & Harden, 2018). First, direct genetic transmission describes the transmission of genetic risk through DNA. Second, genetic nurture refers to the putative contribution of parents’ genetic risk to their child’s trait beyond direct transmission, including through parenting, parent-child interactions, and environments they create for their child.
Research designs can now use polygenic scores (PGS) to disentangle these two pathways in the study of intergenerational transmission. PGS represents an individual’s genetic propensity for a specific trait, which are calculated as a sum of alleles associated with a given phenotype weighted by the size of their observed association with this phenotype in so-called discovery GWAS (Choi et al., 2020; Zheutlin & Ross, 2018). For example, a recent PGS for ADHD (ADHD PGS) explained 3.6%-4.0% of the variance of broadly defined ADHD (Li & He, 2021), whereas a PGS for educational attainment (EA PGS) accounted for 12%-16% in educational attainment (Okbay et al., 2022). A variety of research designs with PGS were proposed to estimate genetic transmission and genetic nurture. A first approach disentangles within-family and between-family variance in children’s PGS, with the former reflecting genetic transmission and the difference across within- and between-family contributions signaling genetic nurture (Selzam et al., 2019). Complementary to the first approach, a second strategy used parent and offspring genotype data to calculate two PGS: a transmitted (child’s own) and a non-transmitted PGS (computed from non-transmitted variants). The association between the non-transmitted PGS and the child’s trait reflects genetic nurture because it can only operate through environmental mediation (Balbona et al., 2022; Bates et al., 2018; de Zeeuw et al., 2020; Kong et al., 2018). For example, Balbona et al. (2021) designed a structural equation model with PGS (SEM-PGS) where the paths of intergenerational transmission were estimated in family trios using transmitted and non-transmitted parental PGS to predict a measured child’s trait (SEM-PGS). Another study tested direct genetic transmission by assessing whether the genetic liability to ADHD and its comorbidities, in the form of PGS, was elevated in children with ADHD, compared to the control population (Martin et al., 2023). Similarly, the genetic nurture was estimated as the difference of the non-transmitted PGS between proband and control families. The studies with non-transmitted polygenic scores generally show that the genetic risk for hyperactivity and inattention is passed on through direct genetic transmission rather than genetic nurture (de Zeeuw et al., 2020; Martin et al., 2023).
A third approach addressed the genetic nurture transmission by estimating the unique contributions of the full mother’s, father’s and child’s PGS to the child’s phenotype using regression (Pingault et al., 2022) or SEM (Axelrud et al., 2023; Frach et al., 2023). Under the former approach, a significant unique contribution of parents PGS is suggestive of genetic nurture, whereas an attenuation of parental PGS contribution when adjusting for the child’s PGS indicates genetic transmission. For example, Pingault et al. (2022) used a variety of PGS, including for ADHD, as predictors of mother-rated child’s ADHD symptoms in a large cohort from Norway and found that the contribution of parent’s PGS to the child’s ADHD indeed decreased after controlling for the child’s PGS, suggesting genetic transmission. The only unique parent’s PGS contribution was detected for mother PGS for neuroticism. Frach et al. (2023) estimated the simultaneous PGS effects of parents and the child within a SEM model to show that multiple polygenic risks and propensities were involved in the transmission of childhood and adolescence externalizing problems, but primarily via direct genetic transmission (i.e., through the child’s own genotype). Significant genetic nurture effects were detected for cognitive performance and educational attainment, but this result was not replicated. Finally, Axelrud et al. (2023) tested whether the contribution of parental PGS to child’s cognition, education and psychopathology (schizophrenia and ADHD) was mediated by the child’s PGS (direct genetic transmission) and/or by parental level of education and psychopathology symptoms (genetic nurture). This study found that both pathways were involved in the transmission of genetic propensity of educational and cognitive traits, however, the transmission of psychopathology effectively was not addressed because none of parental PGS significantly predicted child’s psychopathology (Axelrud et al., 2023).
Thus, intergenerational transmission has been examined through a variety of designs, each with its own strengths and limitations. For instance, in addition to the limitation of missing data and thus the needed imputation, the regression design does not provide a direct estimate of the correlation between parents’ PGS that may result from assortative mating and population stratification. Assortative mating refers to a non-random mating that results in elevated phenotypic similarity of spouses/parents pertaining to various traits, such as education and psychopathology, including ADHD (Boomsma et al., 2010; Nordsletten et al., 2016). To the extent that it contributes to genetic similarity between the parents (Peyrot et al., 2016), assortative mating inflates genetic resemblance between family members (Torvik et al., 2022) and biases the estimates of genetic association and heritability in GWAS and PGS studies (Pingault et al., 2022; Plomin et al., 2016). Population stratification, defined as the patterns of genetic variation due to ancestry and migration, similarly contributes to elevated genetic similarity between spouses and within their family (Abdellaoui et al., 2013). Posing a risk for spurious genetic associations (Sohail et al., 2019), population stratification is commonly addressed by regressing genetic predictors, such as PGS, on principal components of the genetic relatedness matrix (Abdellaoui et al., 2013). This method, however, may fail to account for recent population history, leaving the possibility of bias (Zaidi & Mathieson, 2020). The genetic similarity between parents was modeled in the SEM-PGS approach of Balbona et al. (Balbona et al., 2021, 2022) that also allowed for incomplete data using the full-information maximum likelihood estimation (FIML). A possible shortcoming of this approach is that it relies on more complex and power-demanding transmitted and non-transmitted PGS. Finally, most of the current intergenerational transmission designs are limited to family trios, leaving out the data from the twin registers with their heuristic advantages (Boivin et al., 2019; Ligthart et al., 2019).
The present study proposes an integrated model of intergenerational transmission that estimates transmission pathways from the data of twin families using the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach (Figure 1). Unique contributions of twins’ and parents’ PGS, as well as the parents’ genetic resemblance due to assortative mating and population stratification are estimated in the model, thus enhancing precision of the estimate of each genetic transmission and genetic nurture components compared to a family trio approach. More specifically, when the same number of families are considered, the statistical power is enhanced due to the fact that twin families provide twice as much of “PGS-phenotypic” data from which the PGS effects are estimated. We also use the estimates of the twins’ and parents’ PGS contributions to the child’s phenotype to compute the percent of the variance of ADHD outcomes explained by the two transmission pathways, which is not commonly reported in the intergenerational research with PGS. We chose the ADHD-PGS and the EA-PGS as genetic predictors in our model because the ADHD-PGS captured not only ADHD diagnosis, but population-based distribution of hyperactivity and inattention symptoms (Demontis et al., 2019), whereas the EA-PGS represented a broad genetic propensity predictive of school attainment and its correlates, such as socioeconomic status and disruptive behaviors, including ADHD symptoms (Jansen et al., 2018). These two PGS could thus offer complementary perspectives on the direct and indirect ADHD intergenerational genetic transmission pathways.
We aimed to address following research questions: (1) To what extent are children’s ADHD symptoms predicted by genetic propensities for ADHD (ADHD-PGS) and for educational attainment (EA-PGS), the latter considered as a broader genetic predictor of factors, such as ADHD symptoms and especially inattention, involved in educational achievement? We expected that parents’ and children’s ADHD-PGS would positively, and EA-PGS negatively predict children’s ADHD symptoms. (2) To what extent do direct genetic transmission and genetic nurture mediate the contributions of parents’ PGS to their children’s ADHD symptoms? We expected that the parents’ ADHD-PGS contributions would be transmitted mainly through direct genetic transmission (i.e., through the children’s own genotype), whereas parents’ EA-PGS contribution would be conveyed through both direct genetic transmission and genetic nurture given EA-PGS documented links with social capital outcomes (Belsky et al., 2016). (3) Do these patterns of transmission vary with age (early childhood vs. primary school)? We expected both genetic propensities to become more predictive of ADHD symptoms with children’s increasing age. (4) Finally, do PGS prediction and transmission patterns differ for hyperactivity and inattention? We expected stronger prediction of hyperactivity symptoms through ADHD-PGS (Quinn et al., 2016; Wood et al., 2009), whereas EA-PGS should be more predictive of inattention (Greven, Harlaar, et al., 2011; Kuntsi et al., 2014; Pingault et al., 2014).
The study sample was drawn from the Quebec Newborn Twin Study (QNTS, Boivin et al., 2019), a population-based birth cohort of twin families from the greater Montreal area (Canada). The families were recruited when the twins were 5 months old and subsequently assessed annually or biennially on a variety of developmental outcomes and experiences. The present study involved 415 twin families (169 monozygotic and 246 dizygotic, 63% of all QNTS families) selected under the following inclusion criteria: 1) at least one available assessment of twin ADHD symptoms, 2) at least one available twin’s genotype. The rest of QNTS families were excluded from the study. The resulting sample included 378 families with both twin genotypes (assuming MZ twins share identical genotypes) and 37 families with one twin genotype. Among these families, 159 had both parents’ genotypes, 67 families had only one, and 189 families had no parental genotypes. Details on the available genotype data in MZ and DZ families are provided in Table S1.
The sociodemographic sample characteristics and comparison across included vs. excluded QNTS families are presented in Table S2. Participating parents were mostly White (95.5%), French-speaking (90.0%), and had 12 years of formal education on average. Most families (83.5%) included both biological parents and about half (51%) had an annual income of at least $50,000CAD. Excluded families had a lower income, a higher percentage of non-Francophone parents, more ethnic diversity, and had children with lower levels of inattention in early childhood, but higher levels of inattention in primary school. Included and excluded families did not differ in terms of twins’ hyperactivity symptoms, family status (both biological parents present in the family vs. other) or parental educational level.
Children’s ADHD symptoms were assessed through mothers’ ratings when the twins were 19, 32, 50, and 63 months old (early childhood), and through teachers’ ratings when the twins were in kindergarten and in Grades 1, 3, 4, and 6 (primary school; 6, 7, 9, 10, and 12 years old, respectively). Blood or saliva samples were collected when the twins were 8 years old (407 parents and 581 twins), and at age 19 years (saliva of 328 twins, Boivin et al., 2019). DNA was extracted and genotyped at Genome Quebec, Montreal, Canada, using Illumina PsychArray-24 v1.3 BeadChip. Quality control and imputation were performed on genotypes yielding information for 8,465,216 SNP (see details in Supplementary Methods).
ADHD symptom scores
ADHD symptoms were assessed with five hyperactivity items (“continuously agitated”, “impulsive, acts before thinking”, “can’t sit still”, “has difficulty waiting their turn in games”, “can’t stay calm to do something”) and three inattention items (“get distracted”, “can’t concentrate”, “is inattentive”), rated on a three-point scale from 0 (“never”) to 2 (“often”) (Collet et al., 2023; Leblanc et al., 2008). Both hyperactivity and inattention items were averaged at each measurement time, and then, these resulting scores were averaged across the measurement times first, within early childhood and second, within primary school. This was justified by the high stability of these scores within each developmental period: rs≥.80, ps˂.001, for early childhood hyperactivity and rs≥.69, ps˂.001 for inattention; rs≥.85, ps˂.001, for primary school hyperactivity and rs≥.83, ps˂.001 for inattention. Each score was then square-root transformed given non-normality of the data. The transformation was applied within a linear model that also adjusted for sex differences in symptoms.
Polygenic scores
The PGS were computed in two steps. First, the summary statistics from the GWASs for ADHD (Demontis et al., 2019) and educational attainment (Okbay et al., 2022) were adjusted with a Bayesian approach implemented in the PRS-CS software (Ge et al., 2019), and then used to compute both ADHD and EA PGSs (details in Supplementary Methods). For all statistical analyses, the estimated contributions of PGS were adjusted for population stratification using factor scores on the first ten principal components of the genetic relatedness matrix.
Our model of intergenerational transmission considered twins’ and their parents’ PGS as predictors of twins’ ADHD symptoms (Figure 1) in a two-group (MZ and DZ families) structural equation model (SEM, Loehlin, 2004). Ten parameters were estimated: the variance of PGS (
< Put Figure 1 around here >
All these parameters except
Eight transmission models were tested, one for each combination of PGS (ADHD-PGS or EA-PGS), ADHD dimension (hyperactivity or inattention), and period (early childhood or primary school). Each model’s fit was indexed by the Comparative Fit Index (CFI), Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI), Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA), as well as by the chi-square test of the difference between the log-likelihood of the target and saturated models (Likelihood Ratio Test, LRT). To test statistical significance of the model parameters (
The data analysis was performed in the R statistical environment (R Core Team, 2022), and the OpenMx package was used for SEM (Neale et al., 2016). The full code of the data analyses is available on the first author’s Github page: https://ivanvoronin.github.io/html/ADHD_intergenerational_JCPPA.html.
Descriptive statistics and covariation of hyperactivity and inattention symptoms
Table 1 shows descriptive statistics for hyperactivity and inattention scores in early childhood and primary school for the total sample and by sex. Hyperactive symptoms were higher in early childhood (M=0.83, SD=0.40), in mother reports, than in primary school (M=0.45, SD=0.45), in teacher reports, t(696)=19.92, p<.001. The opposite was noted for inattention (M=0.63, SD=0.35 in early childhood, M=0.77, SD=0.55 in primary school, t(696)=-6.45, p<.001). Boys were rated as more hyperactive and inattentive in early childhood and primary school; accordingly, further analyses controlled for sex differences. Hyperactivity and inattention symptoms were substantially correlated within each developmental period (r=.70, p<.001) and moderately across periods (r=.24-.31, ps<.001).
< Put Table 1 around here >
Correlations between mothers’ and fathers’ PGSs were low and non-significant (r=.07-.08, p=.17-.20, Table S3). The correlations between parents’ and their twins’ PGS were all above the expected 0.5 (r=.52-.59, p=.02-.55, Table S3), leaving a possibility of assortative mating and unaccounted population stratification. A moderate negative correlation between ADHD PGS and EA PGS was observed (r=-.26, p < .001). Associations between parents’ and twins’ PGS (adjusted for ancestry/population stratification) and twins’ ADHD dimensions are presented in Table 2. The correlations were generally low and variable across PGSs, family members (twins, mother, and father), developmental periods (early childhood and primary school), and ADHD dimensions. None of the ADHD-PGS correlated with ADHD symptoms in early childhood; only child’s ADHD-PGS was modestly associated with primary school hyperactivity and inattention. By contrast, children’s EA-PGS was associated with hyperactivity, and especially inattention in early childhood and primary school. Parents’ EA-PGS modestly correlated with child’s hyperactivity and inattention, mostly in primary school.
< Put Table 2 around here >
Children’s ADHD-PGS more strongly correlated with their hyperactivity and inattention than their parents’ PGS, suggesting direct genetic transmission. Alternatively, parents’ EA-PGS were significantly associated with ADHD dimensions almost as strongly as the children’s EA-PGS, which could point to genetic nurture.
The intergenerational model (Figure 1) was tested for each combination of genetic propensity (ADHD-PGS or EA-PGS), developmental period (early childhood or primary school) and ADHD dimension (hyperactivity or inattention). The model provided a good fit to the data in all cases (Table S4). A summary of the transmission models’ results is presented in Figure 2, which shows the percentages of variance explained by the PGS overall (
Intergenerational transmission of genetic propensities for ADHD
The contributions of ADHD-PGS to children’s ADHD dimensions are shown in Table 3 and the left panel of Figure 2. In early childhood, neither the parents’ nor the children’s ADHD-PGS contributed to children’s hyperactivity and inattention. In primary school, children’s ADHD-PGS significantly predicted both hyperactivity (
< Put Figure 2 around here >
< Put Table 3 around here >
Intergenerational transmission of genetic propensities for education attainment
The contributions of parents’ and children’s EA-PGS to hyperactivity and inattention are presented in Table 4 and in the right panel of Figure 2. By contrast to ADHD-PGS, children’s EA-PGS significantly predicted hyperactivity and inattention in both early childhood and primary school, with estimates of
Direct genetic transmission significantly accounted for 1.0% and 2.3% of the variance in hyperactivity and inattention, respectively, in primary school (p<0.05, right panel of Figure 2, Table 4). The contribution of genetic nurture to inattention in early childhood was estimated to be zero and non-significant. In primary school, genetic nurture accounted for 1.6% and 3.2% in hyperactivity and inattention respectively, but the estimates were nonsignificant (p=.36 and .41) when compared to the full model without genetic nurture effects.
< Put Table 4 around here >
< Put Figure 3 around here >
This study aimed to test a novel integrated model of intergenerational transmission of childhood ADHD symptoms that distinguished direct genetic transmission from genetic nurture, while also controlling for assortative mating and population stratification. Findings revealed that measured genetic propensities for ADHD and educational attainment—in the form of PGS—in children and their parents significantly predicted children’s hyperactivity and inattention symptoms in early childhood and primary school (ADHD-PGS only in primary school). Overall, the predictions were modest and mainly operated through direct genetic transmission, but these associations varied across developmental periods, PGS, and ADHD dimensions. Specifically, more conclusive findings were evidenced for primary school than for early childhood ADHD symptoms, and more so for EA-PGS than for ADHD-PGS. Both primary school hyperactivity and inattention were predicted directly by child’s own PGS, and especially inattention by the EA-PGS. There was also a signal of genetic nurture for EA-PGS in primary school in terms of explained variance, which did not reach statistical significance. These findings expand our understanding of the intergenerational transmission of ADHD symptoms in several ways.
First, the present study confirmed the capacity of known PGS to predict the two main dimensions of ADHD (i.e., hyperactivity and inattention), as measured continuously in a population-based sample of children. Given the known heritability of ADHD manifestations, the magnitude of the predictions was modest, but in line with previous genomic research with PGS (Agnew‐Blais et al., 2022; de Zeeuw et al., 2020; Martin et al., 2023; Pingault et al., 2022; Selzam et al., 2019). As the power of future GWAS increases and new estimations of PGS can be derived, their prediction value will likely increase (Raffington et al., 2020). The proposed structural equation model also confirmed that the transmission of genetic risk for ADHD was mainly channeled through genetic variants that are directly passed on from parents to the child’s genotype (Axelrud et al., 2023; de Zeeuw et al., 2020; Frach et al., 2023; Martin et al., 2023; Pingault et al., 2022; Selzam et al., 2019). This was expected, but controlling for the alternate transmission pathway (i.e., genetic nurture) and the correlation between parental PGS (Boomsma et al., 2010; Hugh-Jones et al., 2016; Nordsletten et al., 2016), the present study provides a more stringent estimate of this direct genetic pathway. Although we found no clear evidence of assortative mating, parent-offspring correlations were above 0.5, some significantly. Previous studies reported modest assortative mating relative to EA-PGS (r=.011 Agnew‐Blais et al., 2022; Hugh-Jones et al., 2016). Clearly, PGS only provides an approximation of genetic effects (Torvik et al., 2022), and assortative mating should be investigated further.
There are many reasons why the PGS were more predictive of ADHD symptoms in primary school than in early childhood. For instance, ADHD dimension assessments may be less valid in preschool than in primary school, as they were repeatedly reported by the mother in early childhood, whereas different teachers rated the child in primary school, thus providing more independent perspectives on the child’s symptoms. Furthermore, given the importance of attention and behavioral control in learning, primary school learning contexts are more likely to reveal hyperactivity and inattention symptoms than preschool contexts (Murray et al., 2018), and teachers are better positioned than mothers to reliably compare the child’s behaviors to the classroom/school norm and a larger sample of children. However, twin studies consistently showed high heritability of ADHD symptoms in both preschool (Price et al., 2005) and the school years (Bergen et al., 2007; Chang et al., 2013), which may be less efficiently captured in PGS derived from GWASs performed on a combined sample of children and adults.
The present study measured hyperactivity separately from inattention symptoms, thus enabling the examination of their distinct genetic etiology. However, the statistical estimates of these differences did not reach significance. Overall, the EA-PGSs performed better than ADHD-PGSs in predicting both ADHD dimensions. The superior predictive validity of EA GWAS for a variety of human capital outcomes has been well documented (Barth et al., 2018; Belsky et al., 2016). This is likely due to the well-powered discovery GWAS provided by the huge sample on which EA-PGS was based. At the same time, while ADHD-PGS was more strongly associated with hyperactivity, EA-PGSs predicted both dimensions, but especially inattention in primary school. This is consistent with the known negative association between inattention and educational outcomes (Gray et al., 2017; Pingault et al., 2011), partially due to pleiotropic genetic effects (genetic variants associated with multiple traits, Greven, Harlaar, et al., 2011). Future studies should examine this inattentive pathway further, specifically the extent to which inattention mediates the association between genetic propensity of the EA-PGS and various academic outcomes.
Our model evidenced direct genetic transmission as the main mechanism of intergenerational transmission of ADHD, in line with previous research using PGS (Agnew‐Blais et al., 2022; de Zeeuw et al., 2020; Demontis et al., 2023; Pingault et al., 2022; Selzam et al., 2019). We also noted an ostensible part of the variance of inattention in primary school was channeled by EA-PGS, seemingly through genetic nurture transmission. However, despite non-trivial effect size (3.2%) for a PGS, this indirect effect did not reach statistical significance. Such a pathway had not been previously detected in PGS studies, but is consistent with a family study in which a significant genetic nurture transmission for hyperactivity, inattention, and other externalizing problems was detected (Eilertsen et al., 2022). Future studies with greater statistical power should more robustly test the possibility of genetic nurture effects for these phenotypes. Incidentally, as in the present study, Eilertsen et al. (2022) also detected negative covariance between direct (child’s) and indirect (parents’) genetic effects for inattention. Considering the possibility of negative gene-environment correlation is important because 1) it is potentially amenable through an intervention, 2) it contributes towards the decrease of the outcome’s heritability, that is, a drive for intergenerational discontinuity. Our study shows how this effect can be brought to light and estimated with the PGS data.
In this study we proposed and tested a novel model of intergenerational transmission that accommodated the data of twin families. The model provides a nuanced representation of direct and environmentally mediated (genetic nurture) genetic effects on children’s traits. The model allows incomplete data and takes into account genetic similarity between parents that arise from assortative mating and unaccounted population stratification. Using structural equation modeling, the model can be adapted to other family structures (e.g., singleton families, extended pedigree design), and extended to include measured environmental variables that are hypothesized to partially or entirely explain genetic nurture effects. Finally, our model estimates the direct PGS effects, in the form of regression coefficients, as well as percent of the variance explained by all PGS and by two alternative transmission pathways that provides a valuable insight into the composition of the individual differences of ADHD.
The main limitation of our study is the lack of statistical power due to missing parental genotypes, which are essential for the estimation of direct parental effects, and more generally due to the relatively small number of families for this type of studies. For this reason, even the genetic nurture estimate of 3.2% for inattention in primary school was not statistically significant. Further research with higher statistical power is needed. Then, the phenotypic measures used in the present study could not fully examine potential reporter bias because hyperactivity and inattention symptoms were reported by different raters across developmental periods (mothers in early childhood and by teachers in primary school). Additionally, alternative approaches to the phenotypic scoring are possible, such as CFA. We thus estimated in sensitivity analysis factor scores of hyperactivity and inattention in early childhood and primary school in a one-factor CFA model. These scores strongly correlated with the scores that we used in the study (r=0.88-0.96), which indicates that it is unlikely that the selected analytical approach used to operationalize the phenotypes negatively affected the results. That being said, we could have aggregated the ADHD scores over two developmental periods, potentially revealing a more robust genetic effect if those are mainly driven by stable patterns of individual differences. However, this would come at the expense of developmental specificity. Future studies with more statistical power could account for developmental stability and specificity, as well as the overlap between hyperactivity and inattention dimensions using multilevel CFA.
Some shortcomings of our study come from the specific aspects of methods and methodology that we chose to use. In particular, the PGS, as a genetic predictor, only captures genetic risk tied to a specific phenotype and measures it with limited precision. For this reason, the transmission effects, as well as the subtle effects like assortative mating and unaccounted population stratification, may not be captured in full in a study with PGS. Then, it has been demonstrated recently that the genetic nurture effect detected in the intergenerational transmission research may result from the differences between family lineages accumulated across generations (dynastic effect), rather than from the processes within a family (Nivard et al., 2022). Consequently, an integrative approach is warranted in the research of intergenerational transmission.
Measured genetic propensities towards ADHD and education modestly contribute to individual differences in hyperactivity and inattention, and this contribution is more apparent in primary school than in early childhood. Direct genetic transmission was identified as a primary mechanism of intergenerational transmission of both genetic predictors. While no significant genetic nurture transmission was found, the results warrant further investigation in more powered samples. The model developed and applied in this study can be a useful tool for the research of intergenerational transmission of ADHD and other traits.
Recent research shows two pathways of genetic intergenerational transmission: through 1) genetic variants transmitted from parent to child and 2) heritable parental behaviors that influence the child’s developmental context.
Genetic propensities towards ADHD and education both contributed to individual differences in hyperactivity and inattention in childhood, with an increase in contributions noted during primary school.
Genetic propensity towards education was shown to be a more powerful predictor of ADHD problems than a genetic propensity towards ADHD.
Direct genetic transmission was the primary mechanism of intergenerational transmission of ADHD.
We propose a model of intergenerational transmission within a structural equation modeling framework that can be leveraged in future research.
The authors acknowledge with gratitude the contribution of the children, parents, and participating teachers and schools of the QNTS. The QNTS was supported by grants from the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et Culture (FRQSC), Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS), the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), the National Health Research Development Program, Ste. Justine Hospital’s Research Center, Université Laval, and Université du Québec à Montréal. Amélie Petitclerc, Isabelle Ouellet-Morin, and Michel Boivin are supported by the Canada Research Chair Program.
Ivan Voronin was supported by a partial stipend from Réseau québécois sur le suicide, les troubles de l’humeur et les troubles associés (RQSHA) and postdoctoral scholarships from Réseau de recherche sur les déterminants périnataux de la santé de l’enfant and Fonds de recherche du Québec Société et Culture (FRQSC; 2022-2023-BUKZ-337269).
Genevive Morneau-Vaillancourt was supported by postdoctoral fellowships from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC; 756-2021-0516), Fonds de recherche du Québec Société et Culture (FRQSC; 2022-B3Z-297753), and RQHSA.
The sample of the current study was drawn from the dataset that is not publicly available because the informed consent obtained from QNTS participants prohibits the distribution of the data through any third party maintained public repository. However, the data may be provided upon request, see http://www.gripinfo.ca/grip/public/www/Etudes/en/dadprocedures.asp for more information. The details on the data from the QNTS are available on the study’s website (https://maelstrom-research.org/study/ejnq).
Parental and child informed consent was obtained from the ethics review board at Université Laval, Quebec.
The full code of data analysis is available on the first author’s Github page: https://ivanvoronin.github.io/html/ADHD_intergenerational_JCPP.html
Figures 1, 2, and 3 are published on OSF (https://osf.io/7zs2y/) under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
Additional supporting information may be found in the Supporting Information file, including:
Appendix S1. Supplementary Methods
Table S1. The summary of available genotype data in QNTS families
Table S2. Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample, comparison of participants that were included and excluded from the study
Table S3. Correlations between family members’ PGS
Table S4. Fit statistics of transmission model
Table S5. Estimates of direct polygenic score effects and variance explained by ADHD PGS with 99.2% confidence interval
Table S6. Estimates of direct polygenic score effects and variance explained by ADHD PGS with 99.2% confidence interval
Michel Boivin, École de psychologie, Université Laval, Québec, QC, Canada, G1V 0A6
email: [email protected]
Isabelle Ouellet‐Morin, School of Criminology, University of Montreal, Research Center of the Montreal Mental Health University Institute and the Research Group on Child Maladjustment, PO Box 6128, Centreville Station, Montréal, QC, Canada, H3C 3J7
email: [email protected]
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Table 1. Descriptive statistics of hyperactivity and inattention (both twins)
N | All | Female | Male | |
M (SD) | M (SD) | M (SD) | ||
Early childhood | ||||
1. Hyperactivity | 724 | 0.83 (0.40) | 0.80** (0.40) | 0.87** (0.39) |
2. Inattention | 724 | 0.63 (0.35) | 0.59*** (0.34) | 0.67*** (0.36) |
Primary school | ||||
3. Hyperactivity | 722 | 0.45 (0.45) | 0.31*** (0.36***) | 0.60*** (0.49***) |
4. Inattention | 722 | 0.77 (0.55) | 0.62*** (0.50**) | 0.92*** (0.56**) |
Note. M = mean, SD = standard deviation. t-test of sex differences: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001
Table 2. Correlations between polygenic scores and the measures of hyperactivity and inattention
Child | Mother | Father | ||||
r | 95% CI | r | 95% CI | r | 95% CI | |
ADHD PGS | ||||||
Early childhood | ||||||
Hyperactivity | .025 | [-.048; .098] | .058 | [-.042; .157] | .010 | [-.096; .114] |
Inattention | -.024 | [-.097; .049] | .020 | [-.080; .120] | -.042 | [-.146; .063] |
Primary school | ||||||
Hyperactivity | .095 | [.022; .167] | -.022 | [-.121; .077] | .031 | [-.074; .135] |
Inattention | .109 | [.036; .180] | .038 | [-.061; .137] | .017 | [-.088; .121] |
EA PGS | ||||||
Early childhood | ||||||
Hyperactivity | -.124 | [-.195; -.051] | -.105 | [-.202; -.005] | -.055 | [-.159; .050] |
Inattention | -.076 | [-.148; -.003] | -.098 | [-.196; .002] | .022 | [-.083; .127] |
Primary school | ||||||
Hyperactivity | -.144 | [-.215; -.072] | -.035 | [-.133; .065] | -.110 | [-.212; -.006] |
Inattention | -.237 | [-.305; -.167] | -.184 | [-.278; -.087] | -.143 | [-.244; -.039] |
Note. The statistically significant (p<0.05) correlations are in bold.
Table 3. Estimates of direct polygenic score effects and variance explained by ADHD-PGS
Hyperactivity | Inattention | |||||
est. | 95% CI | est. | 95% CI | |||
Early childhood | ||||||
Direct contributions | ||||||
Child’s ADHD-PGS, | 0.016 | [-0.091; 0.116] | 0.002 | [-0.100; 0.099] | ||
Mother’s ADHD-PGS, | 0.056 | [-0.056; 0.161] | 0.000 | [-0.106; 0.105] | ||
Father’s ADHD-PGS, | -0.038 | [-0.164; 0.092] | -0.055 | [-0.180; 0.068] | ||
Explained variance | ||||||
Total (%) | 0.5 | [0.0; 1.6] | 0.3 | [0.0; 1.0] | ||
Genetic transmission (%) | 0.0 | [0.0; 0.3] | 0.0 | [0.0; 0.0] | ||
Genetic nurture (%) | 0.5 | [-0.6; 2.6] | 0.3 | [-0.6; 1.9] | ||
Primary school | ||||||
Direct contributions | ||||||
Child’s ADHD-PGS, | 0.157 | ** | [0.055; 0.249] | 0.120 | * | [0.027; 0.217] |
Mother’s ADHD-PGS, | -0.089 | [-0.187; 0.006] | -0.026 | [-0.128; 0.072] | ||
Father’s ADHD-PGS, | -0.015 | [-0.114; 0.097] | -0.009 | [-0.110; 0.099] | ||
Explained variance | ||||||
Total (%) | 1.6 | ** | [0.3; 3.4] | 1.1 | * | [0.1; 2.3] |
Genetic transmission (%) | 2.5 | * | [0.3; 6.2] | 1.4 | * | [0.1; 4.7] |
Genetic nurture (%) | -0.8 | [-3.4; 1.1] | -0.3 | [-2.6; 1.1] |
Note. est. = estimate; * = p < 0.05, ** = p < 0.008; statistically significant values (p<0.008) are in bold.
Table 4. Estimates of direct polygenic score effects and variance explained by EA-PGS
Hyperactivity | Inattention | |||||
est. | 95% CI | est. | 95% CI | |||
Early childhood | ||||||
Direct contributions | ||||||
Child’s EA-PGS, | -0.129 | * | [-0.226; -0.030] | -0.150 | ** | [-0.251; -0.047] |
Mother’s EA-PGS, | -0.001 | [-0.100; 0.090] | 0.013 | [-0.095; 0.116] | ||
Father’s EA-PGS, | 0.004 | [-0.103; 0.108] | 0.100 | * | [0.001; 0.209] | |
Explained variance | ||||||
Total (%) | 1.6 | [0.3; 3.0] | 1.4 | ** | [0.2; 3.2] | |
Genetic transmission (%) | 1.7 | * | [0.1; 5.1] | 2.2 | * | [0.2; 6.3] |
Genetic nurture (%) | 0.0 | [-2.6; 2.0] | -0.8 | [-3.8; 1.1] | ||
Primary school | ||||||
Direct contributions | ||||||
Child’s EA-PGS, | -0.100 | * | [-0.196; -0.002] | -0.153 | ** | [-0.253; -0.051] |
Mother’s EA-PGS, | 0.020 | [-0.083; 0.122] | -0.070 | [-0.165; 0.028] | ||
Father’s EA-PGS, | -0.091 | [-0.193; 0.016] | -0.060 | [-0.173; 0.064] | ||
Explained variance | ||||||
Total (%) | 2.6 | ** | [0.7; 4.9] | 5.5 | ** | [2.8; 8.3] |
Genetic transmission (%) | 1.0 | [0.0; 3.8] | 2.3 | * | [0.3; 6.4] | |
Genetic nurture (%) | 1.6 | [-1.3; 4.8] | 3.2 | [-1.4; 7.4] |
Note. est. = estimate; * = p < 0.05, ** = p < 0.008; statistically significant values (p<0.008) are in bold.
Figure 1. Path diagram for the intergenerational transmission model. PGS = polygenic score, m = mother, f = father, tw1/2 = twin, ADHD = ADHD symptom. For parameter labels refer to Methods and Supplementary Methods.
Figure 2. Percentage of ADHD symptoms’ variance explained by direct genetic and genetic nurture transmission in early childhood and primary school by ADHD-PGS and EA-PGS.
Blue bars show total R2. The white asterisks mark statistical significance of genetic transmission and genetic nurture variance, blue asterisks mark statistical significance of total variance (* p<0.05, ** p < 0.008). Hyp. = hyperactivity, ina. = inattention.
Figure 3. Standardized parameter estimates in the transmission model with ADHD-PGS predicting hyperactivity in primary school (left) and EA-PGS predicting inattention in primary school (right). Only MZ families are depicted. m = mother, f = father, tw = twin, HYP = hyperactivity, INA = inattention.
Genotyping, quality control and polygenic score computation
Genotyping was conducted using the Infinium PsychArray-24 v1.3 BeadChip. The quality control (QC) of genetic data was conducted in PLINK v1.90b5.3, PLINK v1.90b6.7 (Chang et al., 2015), and R v3.4.3.
Pre-imputation QC of genotype data consisted of the following steps:
Removal of SNPs with call rates <98% or a minor allele frequency (MAF) <1%
Removal of individuals with genotyping rates <95%
Removal of sex mismatches
Removal of genetic duplicates
Removal of cryptic relatives with pi-hat>=12.5
Removal of genetic outliers with a distance from the mean of >4 SD in the first eight multidimensional scaling (MDS) ancestry components
Removal of individuals with a deviation of the autosomal or X-chromosomal heterozygosity from the mean >4 SD
Removal of non-autosomal variants
Removal of SNPs with call rates <98% or a MAF <5% or Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) test p-values <1×10-3
Removal of A/T and G/C SNPs
Update of variant IDs and positions to the IDs and positions in the 1000 Genomes Phase 3 reference panel
Alignment of alleles to the reference panel
Removal of duplicated variants and variants not present in the reference panel
These steps of QC were performed separately on the data of Quebec Newborn Twin Study (QNTS) and Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (QLSCD), then the data were combined in a consolidated genotype panel.
For the calculation of ancestry components used to determine genetic outliers, pre-imputation genotype data were used. Additional variant filtering steps were: removal of variants with a MAF <0.05 or HWE p value <0.001; removal of variants mapping to the extended MHC region (chromosome 6, 25-35 Mbp) or to a typical inversion site on chromosome 8 (7-13 Mbp); linkage disequilibrium (LD) pruning (command --indep-pairwise 200 100 0.2). Next, the pairwise identity-by-state (IBS) matrix of all individuals was calculated using the command genome on the filtered genotype data. Multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis was performed on the IBS matrix using the eigendecomposition-based algorithm in PLINK v1.90b6.7 (QLSCD) and PLINK v1.90b5.2 (QNTS).
Imputation was conducted using SHAPEIT v2 (r837) (Delaneau, Zagury, & Marchini, 2013), IMPUTE2 v2.3.2 (Howie, Donnelly, & Marchini, 2009), and the 1000 Genomes Phase 3 reference panel. After imputation, variants with a MAF <1%, an HWE test p<1×10-6, and an INFO metric <0.8 were removed. In total, imputed genetic data were available for 443 individuals in the QNTS sample (including both DZ twins for 126 families) and for 816 individuals in the QLSCD sample. Variants before QC: 588,952; variants after QC and imputation: 8,407,807.
The polygenic scores were computed using the SNP summary statistics from respective GWAS: ADHD GWAS (Demontis et al., 2019) and GWAS for educational attainment (Okbay et al., 2022). The summary statistics were adjusted using Bayesian approach implemented in PRS-CS software (Ge, Chen, Ni, Feng, & Smoller, 2019, the global shrinkage parameter phi = 0.01) separately for each autosome (the sex chromosomes were not analyzed). The negative SNP effects were flipped, and then the summary statistics across the chromosomes were combined into a single file. At the last step of computation, the polygenic score was computed using PLINK v1.90b6.21.
The population stratification was controlled for using the factor scores on the first ten principal components of the genetic relatedness matrix (Price et al., 2006) derived from a subsample of genetically unrelated individuals in the combined QNTS/QLSCD genotype panel. The subsample of unrelated individuals was determined using KING 2.3.0 (Manichaikul et al., 2010).
Implementation of the transmission model
The analytic strategy used to distinguish direct genetic transmission and genetic nurture of ADHD risk relied on the structural equation modeling approach (SEM, Loehlin, 2004). Typically, a model in SEM is defined as a set of linear equations that describe relationships between (measured and unmeasured) variables in the model. Parameters of the model are estimated by minimizing the difference between model-implied and empirical covariance matrices (least squares optimization). Alternatively, the estimates can be found by maximizing the likelihood of the data conditioned on the multivariate distribution implied by the model (likelihood-based optimization). Both approaches approximate mean and covariance structure observed in the data. Our analysis relied on the Full Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML) estimation that provided the best account for missing data.
The MZ and DZ covariance structures were specified via RAM-approach (Reticular Action Model) that portrays a covariance matrix as matrix algebra:
The matrices
The matrices
In total, ten parameters were estimated in the model. To simplify the interpretation of results, we standardized the key parameters of the model:
To assess how much of the variance of ADHD is explained by genetic transmission, genetic nurture and in total, we computed three secondary parameters. First,
Derivation of
In this section we are going to show how exactly
The RAM-specification of the model is equivalent to the path diagram specification where the contributions to the (co)variance of the variables are determined by Wright rules (e.g., see Balbona et al., 2021). As a SEM model, the transmission model includes two types of paths: one-way paths, or regression, and two-way paths, or variance, covariance and correlation. The total expected (co)variance is identified as a sum of the (co)variance contributed by all valid chains of paths that connect two variables in case of covariance or one variable with itself in case of variance. According to Wright rules, a valid chain travels upwards the one-way paths, then passes through exactly one two-way path, then travels down the one-way paths. All chains must be unique and two chains that travel across the same paths but in the opposite order are considered two different path chains. The contribution of each chain to the total (co)variance is defined as a product of parameter estimates on each path crossed by this chain.
Let us consider several examples of the valid chains in our model (Figure 1):
ADHD(tw1) -> PGS(tw) -> PGS(m) -> PGS(tw) -> ADHD(tw1) - this chain contributes
ADHD(tw1) -> PGS(m) -> ADHD(tw1) - this chain contributes
ADHD(tw1) -> PGS(tw) -> PGS(m) -> ADHD(tw1) - this chain contributes
Let us show how the genetic transmission and genetic nurture are derived using Wright rules. First, the variance contributed by genetic transmission,
Second, the variance contributed by genetic nurture transmission,
The contribution of the latter (gene-environmental correlation) is computed as:
The total variance explained by genetic nurture is:
Note that the contribution of the gene-environmental correlation turns negative when parental PGS effects (
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Table S1. The summary of available genotype data in QNTS families
Two parents | One parent | No parents | All | |
MZ families | ||||
All* | 73 | 19 | 77 | 169 |
DZ families | ||||
Two twins | 78 | 41 | 90 | 209 |
One twin | 8 | 7 | 22 | 37 |
All | 86 | 48 | 112 | 246 |
All families | ||||
Two twins | 151 | 60 | 167 | 378 |
One twin | 8 | 7 | 22 | 37 |
All | 159 | 67 | 189 | 415 |
* one twin was genotyped in MZ families, the genotypes of MZ twins in the same family were assumed identical
Table S2. Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample, comparison of participants that were included and excluded from the study
Included families | Excluded families | ||
Family sociodemographic characteristics | |||
N = 416 | N = 317 | ||
Mother's education, M (SD), years | 12.61 (2.88) | 12.17 (3.07) | t(552) = 1.823, p = 0.069 |
Father's education, M (SD), years | 12.33 (2.80) | 12.33 (3.01) | t(476) = 0.008, p = 0.994 |
Family income | |||
<$50,000 | 49.0% | 64.3% | |
≥$50,000 | 51.0% | 35.7% | |
Family status | |||
two bio parents | 83.5% | 79.8% | |
other | 16.5% | 20.2% | |
Parental language | |||
Both Francophone | 90.0% | 69.8% | |
One Francophone | 8.9% | 19.8% | |
Non-Francophone | 1.1% | 10.5% | |
Self-reported parental ethnicity | |||
Both White | 95.9% | 84.0% | |
One White | 4.1% | 16.0% | |
Twins’ ADHD symptoms | |||
N = 830 | N = 632 | ||
Hyperactivity in early childhood | 0.84 (0.40) | 0.81 (0.42) | t(895) = 1.203, p = 0.229 |
Inattention in early childhood | 0.63 (0.35) | 0.56 (0.37) | t(911) = 3.621, p < 0.001 |
Hyperactivity in primary school | 0.47 (0.46) | 0.47 (0.48) | t(666) = -0.189, p = 0.850 |
Inattention in primary school | 0.78 (0.55) | 0.88 (0.62) | t(631) = -2.388, p = 0.017 |
Table S3. Correlations between family members’ PGS
r | 95% CI | Z | p | |
ADHD-PGS | ||||
Mother - father | 0.073 | [-0.039; 0.183] | 1.282 | 0.200 |
Child - mother | 0.538 | [0.464; 0.605]* | 11.874* | 0.289* |
Child - father | 0.524 | [0.444; 0.595]* | 10.909* | 0.546* |
EA-PGS | ||||
Mother - father | 0.077 | [-0.034; 0.187] | 1.354 | 0.175 |
Child - mother | 0.554 | [0.481; 0.619]* | 12.211* | 0.140* |
Child - father | 0.585 | [-0.512; 0.650]* | 12.580* | 0.023* |
Note. * = Null hypothesis: r = 0.5
Table S4. Fit statistics of transmission model
ep | df | -2LL | CFI | TLI | RMSEA | ΔLL | Δdf | p | |
Early childhood | |||||||||
ADHD PGS, Hyperactivity | 10 | 1723 | 1588.47 | 0.963 | 0.975 | 0.029 | 49.741 | 37 | 0.079 |
ADHD PGS, Inattention | 10 | 1723 | 1739.02 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 0.000 | 33.158 | 37 | 0.650 |
EA PGS, Hyperactivity | 10 | 1723 | 78.30 | 0.967 | 0.977 | 0.029 | 49.938 | 37 | 0.076 |
EA PGS, Inattention | 10 | 1723 | 230.88 | 0.964 | 0.976 | 0.029 | 50.306 | 37 | 0.071 |
Primary school | |||||||||
ADHD PGS, Hyperactivity | 10 | 1721 | 2128.50 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 0.000 | 24.580 | 37 | 0.941 |
ADHD PGS, Inattention | 10 | 1721 | 2172.28 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 0.000 | 30.026 | 37 | 0.785 |
EA PGS, Hyperactivity | 10 | 1721 | 622.19 | 0.988 | 0.992 | 0.019 | 42.556 | 37 | 0.244 |
EA PGS, Inattention | 10 | 1721 | 645.91 | 0.989 | 0.992 | 0.018 | 41.800 | 37 | 0.270 |
ep = # of estimated parameters, df = degrees of freedom, -2LL = -2 * log-likelihood, CFI = comparative fit index, TLI = Tucker-Lewis index, RMSEA = root mean square error of approximation, ΔLL = difference in log-likelihood between transmission and saturated models, Δdf = the difference in degrees of freedom, p = p-value of chi-squared test
Table S5. Estimates of direct polygenic score effects and variance explained by ADHD-PGS with 99.2% confidence interval
Hyperactivity | Inattention | |||||
est. | 99.2% CI | est. | 99.2% CI | |||
Early childhood | ||||||
Direct contributions | ||||||
Child’s ADHD-PGS, | 0.016 | [-0.125; 0.151] | 0.002 | [-0.137; 0.140] | ||
Mother’s ADHD-PGS, | 0.056 | [-0.096; 0.195] | 0.000 | [-0.145; 0.147] | ||
Father’s ADHD-PGS, | -0.038 | [-0.211; 0.130] | -0.055 | [-0.227; 0.112] | ||
Explained variance | ||||||
Total (%) | 0.5 | [0.0; 2.6] | 0.3 | [0.0; 1.7] | ||
Genetic transmission (%) | 0.0 | [0.0; 0.7] | 0.0 | [0.0; 0.0] | ||
Genetic nurture (%) | 0.5 | [-1.1; 3.9] | 0.3 | [-1.1; 3.1] | ||
Primary school | ||||||
Direct contributions | ||||||
Child’s ADHD-PGS, | 0.157 | ** | [0.019; 0.284] | 0.120 | * | [-0.012; 0.247] |
Mother’s ADHD-PGS, | -0.089 | [-0.227; 0.043] | -0.026 | [-0.163; 0.107] | ||
Father’s ADHD-PGS, | -0.015 | [-0.146; 0.135] | -0.009 | [-0.146; 0.140] | ||
Explained variance | ||||||
Total (%) | 1.6 | ** | [0.1; 4.3] | 1.1 | * | [0.0; 3.1] |
Genetic transmission (%) | 2.5 | * | [0.0; 8.0] | 1.4 | * | [0.0; 6.1] |
Genetic nurture (%) | -0.8 | [-4.2; 2.1] | -0.3 | [-3.4; 1.9] |
Note. est. = estimate; * = p < 0.05, ** = p < 0.008; statistically significant values (p<0.008) are in bold.
Table S6. Estimates of direct polygenic score effects and variance explained by EA-PGS with 99.2% confidence interval
Hyperactivity | Inattention | |||||
est. | 99.2% CI | est. | 99.2% CI | |||
Early childhood | ||||||
Direct contributions | ||||||
Child’s EA-PGS, | -0.129 | * | [-0.258; 0.009] | -0.150 | ** | [-0.288; -0.016] |
Mother’s EA-PGS, | -0.001 | [-0.135; 0.124] | 0.013 | [-0.132; 0.150] | ||
Father’s EA-PGS, | 0.004 | [-0.141; 0.148] | 0.100 | * | [-0.034; 0.250] | |
Explained variance | ||||||
Total (%) | 1.6 | ** | [0.1; 3.8] | 1.4 | ** | [0.1; 4.2] |
Genetic transmission (%) | 1.7 | * | [0.0; 6.7] | 2.2 | * | [0.0; 8.3] |
Genetic nurture (%) | 0.0 | [-3.6; 3.0] | -0.8 | [-4.9; 2.2] | ||
Primary school | ||||||
Direct contributions | ||||||
Child’s EA-PGS, | -0.100 | * | [-0.231; 0.031] | -0.153 | ** | [-0.281; -0.014] |
Mother’s EA-PGS, | 0.020 | [-0.118; 0.156] | -0.070 | [-0.201; 0.064] | ||
Father’s EA-PGS, | -0.091 | [-0.226; 0.056] | -0.060 | [-0.217; 0.104] | ||
Explained variance | ||||||
Total (%) | 2.6 | ** | [0.4; 6.1] | 5.5 | ** | [2.2; 9.7] |
Genetic transmission (%) | 1.0 | [0.0; 5.3] | 2.3 | * | [0.0; 7.9] | |
Genetic nurture (%) | 1.6 | [-2.3; 6.1] | 3.2 | [-2.8; 9.1] |
Note. est. = estimate; * = p < 0.05, ** = p < 0.008; statistically significant values (p<0.008) are in bold.