‘Many hands make light work. Many hands together make merry work‘, wrote the philosopher and reformer, Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832) in 1793. In this spirit, we cordially welcome you to Transcribe Bentham, a double award-winning collaborative initiative which is crowdsourcing the transcription of Bentham’s previously unpublished manuscripts. Anyone can start transcribing at our Transcription Desk. Your transcripts will contribute to the production of Bentham’s Collected Works and preserve Bentham’s writings into the future. The Transcription Desk is the heart of a major online initiative to transcribe the manuscripts of the English philosopher Jeremy Bentham. It is managed by the Bentham Project at University College London. You are invited to assist us by using the Transcription Desk to type up the text of Bentham's manuscripts. These transcripts will make it easier for anyone to access and read Bentham's papers and will be used by scholars at the Bentham Project in the production of the edition of The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham. At the last count, volunteers have transcribed more than 30,000 pages of Bentham's writings. Why not join us in our mission?