Vote: Publish pending minor changes
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Further clarity on the following:
o The rhetorical constructions is based on a highly select sample—those who make the effort to make statements on a public Facebook group. It should be clear that this is not the general population and that there is no way to state how the general population of Sandusky socially constructs crime. Again the point being more emphasis on the selectivity of the sample and the quotes.
o Police recorded crime are also quite selective. It consists of only crimes that citizens report and that the police are willing to record.
o Calling the posts as reflecting cynical-despair discourse is one possibility. Why not just refer to these statements as exemplifying racism? The point can be made that this sort of racism fits reports of racist attitudes in other places of America.
o I had to Google where Sandusky is located. A further statement as to its location on Lake Erie between Toledo and Cleveland would be helpful.