As originally published at
Call to action
We are writing with respect to the American Society of Criminology’s journals, Criminology: An Interdisciplinary Journal, and Criminology & Public Policy.1 Their self-archiving policy prohibits authors from sharing the accepted version of their manuscripts, or “postprints,”2 for a period of 24 months on all publicly accessible websites.
This policy is in conflict with the Society’s Purpose & Objective and Code of Ethics. It directly opposes free and open access to knowledge; hinders the study of crime and social control; impedes exchange and cooperation among stakeholders; shrinks the forum for disseminating criminological knowledge; thwarts public discourse on findings and dissemination of them; and, forbids a key countermeasure to social injustice.
Therefore, we ask the Society to revise the journals’ self-archiving policy. It should be legal for their authors to immediately share their postprints on any website.
The change poses no legitimate danger to the Society’s revenue from licensing its journals to a publisher.3 Actually, the change will increase citation of the journals, increasing their value.4 We recognize that the journals are under contract with Wiley. This letter’s goal is not to retroactively change the current contract, though that would be ideal. The goal is to shape the future; to ensure that the next contract is better for the Society and its stakeholders.
In what follows, we begin with background information that informs this letter. This includes a description of two types of open access, “gold” and “green,” followed by how the Society’s journals compare to other criminology journals in green open access. We conclude with a call to action.
The free and timely sharing of information and knowledge are pillars of science, democracy, and social justice. The Society informs scientific discourse on crime and social control. It is a leader in that regard. Among other ways, it performs this important role by supporting its two journals. These publications provide an evidence-base to all stakeholders: scholars, policymakers and practitioners, journalists, and the public at large.
A problem facing the Society is the tradeoff between providing open (i.e., free) access to its journals and generating income from licensing them to a publisher. By licensing them to a publisher, the journals are paywalled, which reduces their and the Society’s impact. By “impact,” we do not simply mean citations and downloads. We mean influence on public discourse.
The Society’s journals are not the only ones paywalled, of course. All of criminology’s top journals are the same.5 These journals are referred to as “hybrid open access.” The default is to paywall works therein, but authors can purchase “gold open access” to make the publisher version free for everyone to read. Currently, the APC for a Criminology article is $3,300; for Criminology & Public Policy, it is $3,100.6 At those prices, few authors can afford to make their works gold access. It is not a tenable solution.
A better option is “green open access.” It entails the public sharing of postprints.7 Green access offers numerous benefits: (1) enables paywalled journals to maintain their business model; (2) provides authors a legal and free way to publicly share their work; (3) facilitates engagement with scholarship among all stakeholders; (4) increases impact; and, (5) serves social justice.8
Green access does not require radical change to academia or publishing. Already, every major publisher has one or more green access policies. The best ones permit the fastest and widespread sharing of scholarship. At many criminology journals, authors may immediately share their postprints on many websites.9 Other criminology journals allow immediate sharing on authors’ personal websites, but not others. The worst policies are those that embargo sharing postprints on all websites.
The Society’s journals have the most restrictive green access policy of any criminology outlet.10 Authors are prohibited from sharing on any website for 24 months after publication of the final article.
The policy is bad for the Society, its journals, their authors,11 and all other stakeholders. Because many people cannot afford paywalled access to the journals, the embargo impedes their timely consumption of scholarship and ability to engage in public discourse. Consider that for articles published from 2017 to 2019, only 11% and 26% of works in Criminology & Public Policy and Criminology, respectively, are publicly accessible.12
The Society’s Purpose & Objective is in conflict with the policy. It hinders criminological scholarship, research, education, and training (; impedes scholarly, scientific and practical exchange and cooperation among those engaged in criminology (; and, shrinks the forum for the dissemination of criminological knowledge (
Also, the Society’s Code of Ethics is at odds with the policy. It is contra members’ commitment to free and open access to knowledge (II.7); public discourse on findings (II.7); disseminating their research findings (III.A.15); and, contractually prevents them from promoting social justice (II.5).
In line with the Society’s mission and ethics, we call on it to be a leader in green access. The society should work with its current publisher, or next publisher, to revise the journals’ self-archiving policy.
The new policy should make it legal for the journals’ authors to immediately share their postprints on any website.
Does the Society have the power to answer this call to action? Yes.
By doing so, will the Society increase its impact and better serve stakeholders? Yes.
Properly negotiated, should it cost the Society anything? No.
We urge the Society to make this change, which will greatly benefit science, democracy, and social justice.
Carolina Agoff, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Andrea Allen, Criminology Open and Clayton State University
George Anderson, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Martin Andresen, Griffith University and Simon Fraser University
Barak Ariel, Hebrew University and Cambridge University
Matthew Ashby, University College London
Margit Averdijk, University of Zurich
Lorena Avila, Rutgers University
David Ayeni, Georgia State University
Bethany Backes, University of Central Florida
Nina Barbieri, University of Houston Downtown
Tim Barnum, Max Planck Institute
Josh Beck, Georgia State University
Jacob Becker, Oakland University
Laura Bedford, Deakin University
Popy Begum, Rutgers University-Newark
Craig Bennell, Carleton University
Steven Berman, Regis University
Wim Bernasco, NSCR
Colleen Berryessa, Rutgers University
Lorenz Biberstein, Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Riane Bolin, Radford University
Brenda Bond-Fortier, Suffolk University
Herve Borrion, University College London
Lisa Bostaph, Boise State University
Martin Bouchard, Simon Fraser University
Noemie Bouhana, University College London
Bobby Boxerman, University of Missouri - St. Louis
Scott Bowman, Texas State University
Anthony Braga, Northeastern University, ASC Fellow
John Braithwaite, Australian National University, ASC Fellow
Iain Brennan, University of Hull
Ryan Broll, University of Guelph
Kevin Buckler, University of Houston-Downtown
Brett Burkhardt, Oregon State University
Callie Burt, Georgia State University
Calli Cain, Florida Atlantic University
Paolo Campana, University of Cambridge
Gian Maria Campedelli, University of Trento, Italy
Joel Caplan, Rutgers University
Brianna Caprio, John Jay College of Criminal Justice / CUNY Graduate Center
Krystlelynn Caraballo, Georgia State University
Alison Cares, University of Central Florida
Kerry Carrington, Queensland University of Technology
Jeremy Carter, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
Vania Ceccato, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Katarzyna Celinska, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Aaron Chalfin, University of Pennsylvania
Steven Chermak, Michigan State University
Vijay Chillar, Rutgers University
Kyung-Shick Choi, Boston University
Sarah Chu, John Jay College of Criminal Justice / CUNY Graduate Center
Silvia Ciotti, EuroCrime - Research, Training & Consulting
Ronald Clarke, Rutgers University
Todd Clear, Rutgers University, ASC Fellow
Ellen G. Cohn, Florida International University
Nathan Connealy, John Jay College of Criminal Justice / CUNY Graduate Center
Eric Connolly, Sam Houston State University
Eric Cooke, Sam Houston State University
Danielle Cooper, University of New Haven
Heith Copes, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Francis Cullen, University of Cincinnati, ASC Fellow
Theodore Curry, University of Texas at El Paso
Dean Dabney, Georgia State University
Sarah Daly, Saint Vincent College
Jane Daquin, University of Alabama
Andrew Davies, Southern Methodist University
Lynnea Davis, George Mason University
Alaina De Biasi, University of California Davis
Stephen Demuth, Bowling Green State University
Michael DeValve, Bridgewater State University
Timothy Dickinson, University of Texas at El Paso
Stephanie DiPietro, University of Iowa
Mary Dodge, University of Colorado Denver
Beidi Dong, George Mason University
Joseph Donnermeyer, The Ohio State University
Brendan Dooley, Mount St. Mary's University
Grant Drawve, University of Arkansas
Kathryn DuBois, Washington State University
Robert Duran, Texas A&M University
Frank Edwards, Rutgers University
Henk Elffers, NSCR
Patricio Estévez-Soto, UCL Department of Crime Science
Jamie Fader, Temple University
Chantal Fahmy, University of Texas at San Antonio
Chelsea Farrell, University of Rhode Island
Averi Fegadel, Arkansas State University
Ben Fisher, University of Louisville
Bryanna Fox, University of South Florida
Camilla Friis, University of Copenhagen
Owen Gallupe, University of Waterloo
Alondra Garza, Sam Houston State University
Kathryn Genthon, Virginia Commonwealth University
Adam Ghazi-Tehrani, University of Alabama
Matthew Giblin, Southern Illinois University
Michael Gibson-Light, University of Denver
Sheena Gilbert, University of Nebraska Omaha
Charlotte Gill, George Mason University
Lily Gleicher, Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Elizabeth Groff, Temple University
Jessica Grosholz, University of South Florida
Susila Gurusami, University of Illinois Chicago
Cory Haberman, University of Cincinnati
Carter Hay, Florida State University
Susan Hayes, University of Portsmouth
Howard Henderson, Texas Southern University
David Hetu, Université de Montréal
Tarah Hodgkinson, Griffith University
Evelien Hoeben, NSCR
Meghan Hollis-Peel, Ronin Institute
Tamara Humphrey, University of Victoria
Jordan Hyatt, Drexel University
Jonathan Intravia, Ball State University
Stefan Ivanov, University at Albany, SUNY
Shannon Jacobsen, Drexel University
Scott Jacques, Georgia State University
Michael Jenkins, University of Scranton
Ingrid Johnson, University of Alaska Anchorage
Thaddeus Johnson, Georgia State University
Cheryl Lero Jonson, Xavier University
FM Jonrd, University of Central Oklahoma
Robert Kane, Drexel University
Jacob Kaplan, University of Pennsylvania
Lila Kazemian, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Erin Kearns, University of Alabama
Tyler Keller, Rutgers University
Jay Kennedy, Michigan State University
Bitna Kim, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Nicole Kinbarovsky
Keron King, The College of Science, Technology and Applied Arts of Trinidad and Tobago
Laura King, Boise State University
David Kirk, University of Oxford
Pallie Koehn, George Mason University
Debi Koetzle, John Jay College
Stuti Kokkalera, Sam Houston State University
Alex Knorre, University of Pennsylvania
Kelsey Kramer, Sam Houston State University
Charis Kubrin, University of California - Irvine, ASC Fellow
Kiseong Kuen, George Mason University
Justin Kurland, University of Southern Mississippi
Gary LaFree, University of Maryland, ASC Fellow
Sarah Lageson, Rutgers University
Renee Lamphere, UNC Pembroke
Charles Lanfear, University of Washington
Julia Laskorunsky, University of Minnesota
Brian Lawton, John Jay College
Peter Lehmann, Sam Houston State University
Paul Leighton, Eastern Michigan University
A.M. Lemieux, NSCR
David Letts, Newark Police Department
Katherine Limoncelli, John Jay College
Marie Rosenkrantz Lindegaard, NSCR and University of Amsterdam
Nathan Link, Rutgers
Yu-Hsuan Liu, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Nicholas Lord, University of Manchester
Daniel Lytle, North Carolina Central University
David Maimon, Georgia State University
Aili Malm, CSULB
Dennis Mares, SIUE
Christopher Marier, Appalachian State University
Shadd Maruna, Queen’s University Belfast
Mike Maxfield, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
David May, Mississippi State University
Evan McCuish, Simon Fraser University
David McDowall, University at Albany-SUNY, ASC Fellow
Karen McElrath, Fayetteville State University
Edmund McGarrell, Michigan State University
Jean McGloin, University of Maryland
Danielle McGurrin, Portland State University
Danye Medhin, Georgia State University
Juanjo Medina, University of Seville
Josh Meisel, Humboldt State University
Gorazd Mesko, UM-FCJS
Kimberly Meyer, Central Connecticut State University
Monica Mielke, University of Pennsylvania
Toniqua Mikell, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Jody Miller, Rutgers University, ASC Fellow
Glen Mills, Public Safety
Meghan Mitchell, University of Central Florida
Ojmarrh Mitchell, Arizona State University
David Mitre Becerril, University of Pennsylvania
Kim Moeller, Malmö University
Emily Moir, Griffith University
Asier Moneva, NSCR
Christopher Mullins, Southern Illinois University
Nicole Myers, Queen's University
Elias Nader, University of Baltimore
John Navarro, Sam Houston State University
Mirlinda Ndrecka, University of New Haven
Michael Newman, University of Queensland
Justin Nix, University of Nebraska Omaha
Robert Norris, George Mason University
Seyvan Nouri, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Andrew Novak, George Mason University
Meghan Novisky, Cleveland State University
Montana Nowak, Georgia State University
Marisa Omori, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Meg Osborn, CUNY Graduate Center / John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Marie Ouellet, Georgia State University
Kathleen Padilla, Arizona State University
Troy Payne, University of Alaska Anchorage
Rebecca Paynich, Curry College
Anthony Peguero, Virginia Tech
Gohar Petrossian, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Alexa Piacquadio, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Justin Pickett, SUNY-Albany
Nathan Pino, Texas State University
Alex Piquero, University of Miami & Monash University, ASC Fellow
Eric Piza, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Jeremy Porter, CUNY
Kathleen Powell, Drexel University
Ráchael Powers, University of South Florida
William Pridemore, University at Albany - SUNY
David Pyrooz, University of Colorado Boulder
Kenneth Quick, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Tasha Ramirez, Georgia State University
Jerry Ratcliffe, Temple University
Brianna Remster, Villanova University
Luc Robert, Ghent University & NICC
Jennifer Roberts, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Sean Patrick Roche, Texas State University
Eric Rodriguez-Whitney, Northeastern University
Emmanuel Rolon, ITAM
Richard Rosenfeld, University of Missouri-St. Louis, ASC Fellow
Kim Rossmo, Texas State University
Zachary Rowan, Simon Fraser University
Amanda Rude, Sam Houston State University
Vincenzo Ruggiero, Middlesex University
Stijn Ruiter, NSCR
William Sabol, Georgia State University
Matheson Sanchez, Georgia State University
Jose Sanchez, University of Colorado Boulder
Lacey Schaefer, Griffith University
Jaclyn Schildkraut, SUNY Oswego
Joseph Schwartz, Florida State University
Jacqueline Scott, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Christine Scott-Hayward, California State University, Long Beach
Eric Sevigny, Georgia State University
Rita Shah, Eastern Michigan University
Jon Shane, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
John Shjarback, Rowan University
Tayler Shreve, American University
Aiden Sidebottom, University College London
Michael Sierra-Arévalo, University of Texas at Austin
Ian Silver, Rowan University
Lee Slocum, University of Missouri - St. Louis
Kelly Socia, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Meridith Spencer, Fisher College
Jack Spicer, University of West England
Wouter Steenbeek, NSCR
Alex Stevens, University of Kent
William Stone, Texas State University
Danielle Stoneberg, West Virginia University
Mercer Sullivan, Rutgers School of Criminal Justice
Lucia Summers, Texas State University
Raymond Surette, University of Central Florida
Victoria Sytsma, Queen’s University
Jason Szkola, John Jay College
Christine Tartaro, Stockton University
Angela Taylor, Fayetteville State University
Maria Tcherni-Buzzeo, University of New Haven
Cody Telep, Arizona State University
Amanda Thomas, John Jay College
Rob Tillyer, University of Texas at San Antonio
Natalie Todak, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Lisa Tompson, University of Waikato
Volkan Topalli, Georgia State University
David Topel, Graduate Center-CUNY
Jillian Turanovic, Florida State University
Matthew Valasik, Louisiana State University
Jace Valcore, University of Houston-Downtown
Christophe Vandeviver, Ghent University
Michael S. Vaughn, Sam Houston State University
Mateja Vuk, University of Hertfordshire
Courtney Waid-Lindberg, Northern State University
Sara Wakefield, Rutgers University
Jeffery Walker, University of Alabama, Birmingham
Xinting Wang, Sam Houston State University
Jessica Warner, Miami University
David Weisburd, George Mason University, ASC Fellow
Frank Weerman, NSCR
Steve van de Weijer, NSCR
Ralph Weisheit, Illinois State University
William Wells, Sam Houston State University
Andrew Wheeler, HMS
Rainey White, Georgia State University
Margit Wiesner, University of Houston
Jason Williams, Montclair State University
James Windle, University College Cork
Mark Winton, University of Central Florida
Michelle Wojcik, University of Cincinnati
Scott Wolfe, Michigan State University
Kevin Wolff, John Jay College
Mark Wood, Deakin University
Richard Wright, Georgia State University, ASC Fellow
Amarat Zaatut, Temple University
Sheldon Zhang, University of Massachusetts Lowell