Many online chat applications live in a grey area between the legitimate web and the dark net. The Telegram network in particular can aid criminal activities. Telegram hosts “chats” which consist of varied conversations and advertisements. These chats take place among automated “bots” and human users. Classifying legitimate activity from illegitimate activity can aid law enforcement in finding criminals. Social network analysis of Telegram chats presents a difficult problem. Users can change their username or create new accounts. Users involved in criminal activity often do this to obscure their identity. This makes establishing the unique identity behind a given username challenging. Thus we explored classifying users from their language usage in their chat messages.The volume and velocity of Telegram chat data place it well within the domain of big data. Machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) tools are necessary to classify this chat data. We developed NLP tools for classifying users and the chat group to which their messages belong. We found that legitimate and illegitimate chat groups could be classified with high accuracy. We also were able to classify bots, humans, and advertisements within conversations.